Yes, this is the step where they grow up right before your eyes . . .


Shamrocks Mite Hockey: A core development component. Our ‘Rocks 8 year of age and younger that have benefited from their early strides and foundational building efforts, have graduated to participate in this extraordinary opportunity to be challenged with an enhanced and proprietary curriculum featuring 3 pathways of fun, individual as well as team skill development, competition and advantage of our fluid rostering.


Shamrocks Hockey League ™: Our in-house development program (core)

Our generator of growth and opportunity. Comprehensive, inclusive, full season team, game, playoff experience.


Junior Varsity: Our ‘AP’, advanced placement classroom (select)

A step beyond. To those ‘hockey-ready’ and prepared to engage and achieve at the select level of challenge.


Varsity: Our ‘PG’ program pursuit leading to advanced degree (travel)

Individual player qualifications and capabilities requiring this vigorous opportunity and enhanced challenge for continued growth and development


The Mite Menu of Advantages and Electives

* The Pure Shamrocks Experience – Expert and Level-Appropriate Instruction – Fluid Rosters – Tournaments – Friendship – Perspective – Pathway to Squirt Hockey *


Up Next: Squirt